Health and well-being are two very topical issues. In fact, we can safely say thatHealth has become the epicenter of concerns not only for Spanish families but for families around the world
The Covid 19 pandemic has had a lot to do with it. And, of course, the tourism sector cannot be oblivious to these things.because tourism is part of society.
We have spoken about all this with Carlos Martí, director of projects and contracting ofWellBeds, that is, ofthe first platform dedicated solely and exclusively to marketing health and wellness tourism products.
We talked with him about the importance of health today, about the products he sells, what type of public this platform is aimed at and many other things related to both the health of the Wellness sector and tourism in general.
The one who decides to set up the company,the entrepreneur Diego CabriaHe notes that there is a very interesting market niche, and that there is no one specialized in this segment.
He also begins to hear in the different tourist forums, comments to the effect thatThere is a lack of a wholesale figure in the sectorwhen booking a spa resort or hotel, for example.
We arethe first and only platformthat currently exists in Spain that is dedicated exclusively to the health and wellness segment.
That is to say, WellBeds only works with establishments that are spas, thalassotherapy… This does not mean that all establishments must have very specific facilities, butthat have spaces dedicated to health and well-being.
We can move from a spa hotel to a spa hotel with many square meters of swimming pools or go through a rural establishment where they do retreats, yoga sessions or other similar product lines.
The truth is that this productIt is suitable for all types of audiences. Also, it's a great productfor the whole yearIt is not seasonal like a sun and beach or ski product.
You can enjoy it all year round. And precisely because you can enjoy it all year round, we find different types of customers.
From the retired couplethat can travel all year roundup to the managerthat you can take vacations or days off at any time.
Of course, there are also couples on weekends, families on vacation…
Because in the end everyone can enjoy these types of products.
We believe that it is a segmentwith a significant growth line.
The statistics we have compiled internally tell us that the growth rate of this sector is very high.
We start from the basis that, for some time now,health is considered to be very important.
We are not only talking about health in the broad sense of the word, but we all want to live for many years or undergo rheumatological treatment, for example.
That is, undergoing treatments that increase our quality of life, such asprogramsdetox, antiaging, slimming…
We all want to take care of ourselves and we all want to live very well.
For all these reasons we believe that it is a sector with a lot of potential. And we must also take into accountlife expectancy, which is increasing in Spain.
We get older, and those who reach 40 want to look like they are 30, and those who are 50 want to look like they are 40, and so on. People want to take care of themselves and be well.
Actually, before Covid 19The trend was to become increasingly concerned about health.and not just in medical terms.
Men, for example, increasingly use creams to feel good.Health was a growing concept before the pandemic.
But it must be said that yes, it is true that the pandemichas made us see that we must enjoy the years of life that we have ahead of us.
The pandemic has made us all think more about health.
Doublyhas been and is a key partner.And for many reasons.
First, because it is a company that is open to many of the suggestions that we make and that we need.
In addition, they have a system that has allowed us, on a technological level,to bring together our needs.
You have to keep in mind that we are not a typical OTA.
We are not an agency that sells rooms but we sell more things
Our “plus” or what differentiates us from other companies is that in addition to the room,the agency can book treatment programs online.
And it is very important to combine these dynamic packages with these treatment programs. That is, when a client comes in, they can make a reservation at that moment.
Therefore, Doblemente, in this respect, is a company that has helped us a lot and with which we have future plans to improve all these needs.
All these records have created a positive outlook for the sector.
We saw this at the last edition of FITUR. Industry professionals have discussed it extensively at our meeting points.
We all went to FITUR with “quotes up to the topThere were a lot of people in the corridors and the fact that we continually hear growth figures is positive.
We must not forget, however, where we come from. We have emerged from some very bad years, with many difficulties.
What is being done right now is to recover those lost years and leave behind periods with many problems.
You can watch the full interview in the following video: