Know your customer's customer journey

costumer journey

Customer journey. From the moment you feel the need to hire until you share your experience with your friends and acquaintances.

By the way, if it is pleasant, it will end in loyalty.

In these two lines we have summarized the importance of the customer journeyIn a world as competitive as tourism.

Knowing all the stages and the stages it goes through is essential for you and your tourism business.

And since you know it is so important to you, we here atDoubly, we have set out to clarify everything for you.

Let's see what the customer journey is and why it is so important.Of course, we will explain each and every stage it goes through below.

This is the menu we have prepared for you. We hope you will join us on this interesting journey – never better said.

What is the customer journey and why is it so important?

costumer journey

In the following linesLet's play out what your customer's journey is. From the moment a need is detected – we are talking about tourism and it will be a tourist experience – until it is completed.

On this tripThere are several stageswhich we will describe to you below. And you, as a tourist agent, as the owner of a tourist business ora reservation system, you must know in detail each of the characteristics of this stage.

Why? WellBecause at each stage the client needs a type of messageThat is, depending on where you are, you will need to create certain content.

Content must always be valuable, that responds to the customer's needs and, depending on when, also follows Google's guidelines.

This way you can rank high in search results and be found by more customers and do more business.

In the competitive world of the tourism sector, which breaks records of visitors and turnover every year, taking into account your client's journey is extremely important.

The stages your customer goes through. The path your customer journey takes

We are now entering these stages. In marketing in general, the stages are:Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Retention, Recommendation.

In ittourism marketingWe are going to call them:

  • Want
  • Plan
  • Reserve
  • Try it out
  • Share

We are going to add another one that we consider very important for any business. Of course, for tourism as well. This is: Loyalty.

costumer journey

1.      Desear

It is when the travelerStart thinking about the idea of traveling. Dream of having the best possible tourist experience.

Nothing is decided and everything is yet to be discovered. Let's say thatEverything makes him curious. You are looking for someone to inspire you to decide on one place or another.

Where are you searching right now? Most likelyon visual content pagesattractive. We have to include videos here, of course.

It will also be fixedin the opinions of other travelers. You can find these opinions on social networks but also in the sections of websites.

Price is always important. You will look at every offer you can get your hands on.

2.      Planificar

costumer journey

You are now looking for much more specific information about your trip because you have resolved your inspiration.

This phase is also a research phase. It is when you start looking for information about destinations, accommodations, flights,what activitiescan be carried out at the destination point…

This is where you need to gain the traveler's trust. They will look for content such as:Detailed maps and guides; becomes very importantthe FAQ section.

It's time for travelers to visit many websites to ask for information. If you have a chat or live support on your website, even better.

3.      Reservar

Once you have decided where to go, it is obviously time to book.

At the moment,The clarity, transparency and navigability of a web page takes on unusual importance.

So try to have simple designs, clear information, good loading speed and a payment gateway without any problems.

If you have any problems during the purchasing process,you must be able to solve it ipso facto.

Don't forget to contact us to have a website inyour reservation systemthat meets all of these criteria.

costumer journey

4.      Experimentar

The touristYou are already living the experience at the destination point.

You might think that it's all over now.

At all.

During the trip you may still have many needs that you had not anticipated..

And you have to be there to solve it.

You have to pay attention, because with today's technological tools, it is increasingly common for travelers toBuy when you are already at the destination point.

What we advise you here is that you have"mobile friendly" devicesbecause all the procedures they carry out will be done from their mobile device. You will win over your client forever if you resolve a query at the destination.

5.      Compartir

costumer journey

It is one of the most important moments.Everyone wants to share their experiencesif these have been pleasant.

Tourists will return to social networks to post photos and texts. You have to be careful because a satisfied customer who shares his experience is the prelude to many other customers.

6.      Fidelización

That is what alltourist agency, tour operators, receptive… must aspire. To build customer loyalty.

That when I have the need to travel again, I will think of you first., which has solved all the needs at each of its stages.

Knowing your customer is the key to being successful in such a competitive world. In this post we have seen each and every stage of the customer journey in the tourism sector. Remember these stages and create appropriate content for each one of them.

ByGeorge Look Ucles.


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