Meta tags: what they are and how to fill them in to position your website

metaetiquetas metatags

Do you want to knowWhich meta tags are the most important?to be able to position your tourist website? And what content should they have? And their length?

Reaching the top search results is the goal of a website. To have visibility it is necessaryknow all the guidelines set by Google.

Among these guidelines, it is necessary that the meta tags are perfectly optimized.

What do we mean by perfectly optimized?that reflect what a website is offering or selling.

For example, if you are selling trips to Benidorm, this keyword must appear in the meta tags. If the meta tag is empty or has other keywords, Google will not understand what you want and, therefore, you will not reach your client.

But what are meta tags? They are small codes that tell search engines what the content is about.

It is the way, as we have said before, to make yourself understood. Hence its importance.

Below we will add the different codes as we explain the different metatags.

First of all: the importance of keyword research

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Meta tags are very important for positioning because the keyword is placed in the middle of a piece of code.

So before you start placing those keywords,Doubly We advise you to carry out a keyword study.

This keyword study will allow you to know how your customers will find your product on Google.

And, attention. It is not just about searching for keywords, but aboutknow the intent of those keywords.

For example: If you sell airline tickets, a keyword that you cannot miss is “buy airline tickets” because people searching for them will type those words.

What you shouldn't put is "airlines" becauseThis keyword is for informational purposes only.

The user who types them will be looking for information about airlines (the most important ones, those that operate in Spain…)

That said, let's look at the main ones.

Main meta tags or metatags

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1.      El título

It is the most important andthe one that should head the corresponding web page. Each web page must have a unique title with the most appropriate keyword.

This tag goes between the <title> tags.

For example, it would be <title>buy plane tickets<title>

The title should not be longer than 70 characters so that it does not appear truncated in search results.

Of course it is essential that it contains the keyword.

2.      La meta descripción

The meta descriptiondoes not directly influence SEO positioningBut it is true that a well-written meta description will attract more customers to the website.

And the number of visits a website receives is important for Google. The more visits, the better the ranking.

How could we define it?Like a small slogan that encourages the customer to enter the website.

You must not exceed 154 characters.

To write both titles and meta descriptions and to adjust to Google's measurements, it is interesting to use tools such as:

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It is the best way to make everything you have written fit what you want.

3.      Los encabezados

Let's continue with the headlines.

Headers are used tostructure texts so that Google interprets a logical structure.

The most important is the H1 and this is where the main keyword should be included. Let's take as an example <h1>Plane tickets<h1>

Google robots will enter the website and clearly understand thatWhat you want to position is the keyword “airline tickets”.

Is that enough? Not yet. You need to help Google a little more and create a text that has other h2, h3 headings… both to structure the text and to include secondary or related keywords.

4.      La etiqueta ALT

This is the tag that should be placed on the images. It is the alternative text thatmust describe the imagebecause search engines still don't know how to read them if they are not told what they are about. It goes between these codes <img>airline tickets <img>-

In many cases, this tag is not used and a great opportunity to improve positioning is lost.

5. What is the canonical tag?

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Let's move on to the last of the meta tags, which is the canonical one.

We can define it as the one that tells GoogleWhat is the preferred url?, the one we want to position.

It is used when some pages are very similar. This often happens in e-commerce sites that have many pages with very similar products.

But it is very important that it is placed on all websites. That is, the clearer you tell Google what it has to do, the better.

The code is as follows: <link rel="canonical" href="URL_of_the_canonical_version">

In this way, search engines recognize which URL they should consider as the main one.for indexing and classification purposes, which helps avoid duplicate content issues and improves visibility in search results.

You have to be very careful with duplicate content, which is severely punished by Google. The aim of this search engine is to offer a good user experience to its clients and it is aware that it will not achieve this if there are thousands and thousands of identical pages.

These are the meta tags that you should take care of if you want to position in the search results. Web positioning is very complex but it will never be achieved if they are not optimized.These tags.


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